Cover page of J. Phys. Chem. B (Jan. 2017) featuring the article by Kottke, Lórenz-Fonfría, and Heberle
Bommer, M., Coates, L., Dau, H., Zouni, A., and Dobbek, H. (2017). Protein crystallization and initial neutron diffraction studies of the photosystem II subunit PsbO. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 73, 525-531.
Bondar A.-N. and Smith J.C. (2017). Protonation-state coupled conformational dynamics in reaction mechanisms of channel and pump rhodopsins. Photochem Photobiol 93, 1336-1344.
del Val, C. and Bondar, A.-N. (2017). Charged groups at binding interfaces of the PsbO subunit of photosystem II: a combined bioinformatics and simulation study. Biochim Biophys Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1858, 432-441.
Grimm, C., Vierock, J., Hegemann, P., and Wietek, J. (2017). Whole-cell Patch-clamp Recordings for Electrophysiological Determination of Ion Selectivity in Channelrhodopsins. JoVE 55497.
Harris N.J., Reading E., Ataka K., Grzegorzewski L., Charalambous K., Liu X., Schlesinger R., Heberle J., and Booth P.J. (2017). Structure formation during translocon-unassisted co-translational membrane protein folding. Sci Rep 7: 8021.
Helabad, M. B., Ghane, T., Reidelbach, M., Woelke, A. L., Knapp, E. W., and Imhof, P. (2017). Protonation-State-Dependent Communication in Cytochrome c Oxidase. Biophys J 113, 817-828.
Hontani, Y., Broser, M., Silapetere, A., Krause, B. S., Hegemann, P., and Kennis, J. T. M. (2017). The femtosecond-to-second photochemistry of red-shifted fast-closing anion channelrhodopsin PsACR1. Phys Chem Chem Phys 19, 30402-30409.
Kacprzak, S., Njimona, I., Renz, A., Feng, J., Reijerse, E., Lubitz, W., Krauss, N., Scheerer, P., Nagano, S., Lamparter, T., and Weber, S. (2017). Inter-subunit distances in full-length, dimeric, bacterial phytochrome Agp1, as measured by PELDOR between different spin label positions, remain unchanged upon photoconversion. J Biol Chem 292, 7598-7606.
Kaufmann, J. C. D., Krause, B. S., Grimm, C., Ritter, E., Hegemann, P., Bartl, F.J. (2017). Proton transfer reactions in the red light-activatable channelrhodopsin variant ReaChR and their relevance for its function. J Biol Chem 292,14205-14216.
Kielb, P., Utesch, T., Kozuch, J., Jeoung, J.-H., Dobbek, H., Mroginski, M.A., Hildebrandt, P., and Weidinger, I. (2017). Switchable Redox Chemistry of the Hexameric Tyrosine-Coordinated Heme Protein. J Phys Chem B 121, 3955-3964.
Kottke, T., Lórenz-Fonfría V.A., and Heberle J. (2017). The Grateful Infrared – Sequential Protein Structural Changes Resolved by IR Difference Spectroscopy. J Phys Chem B 121, 335-350.
Krause, B.S., Grimm, C., Kaufmann, J.C.D., Schneider, F., Sakmar, T.P., Bartl, F.J., and Hegemann, P. (2017). Complex Photochemistry within the Green-Absorbing Channelrhodopsin ReaChR. Biophys J 112, 1166-1175.
Lamparter, T., Krauß, N., and Scheerer, P. (2017). Phytochromes from Agrobacterium fabrum. Photochem Photobiol 93, 642-655.
Lorenz-Fonfria V.A., Saita M., Lazarova T., Schlesinger R., and Heberle J. (2017). pH-sensitive vibrational probe reveals a cytoplasmic protonated cluster in bacteriorhodopsin. Proc Natl Acad Sci 114, E10909-E10918.
Mamatkulov, S. I., Allolio, C., Netz, R. R., and Bonthuis, D. J. (2017). Orientation-Induced Adsorption of Hydrated Protons at the Air-Water Interface. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 56, 15846-15851.
Oberthuer, D., Knoška, J., Wiedorn, M.O., Beyerlein, K.R., Bushnell, D.A-, Kovaleva, E.G., Heymann, M., Gumprecht, L., Kirian, R.A., Barty, A., Mariani, V., Tolstikova, A., Adriano, L., Awel, S., Barthelmess, M., Dörner, K., Xavier, P.L., Yefanov, O., James, D.R., Nelson, G., Wang, D., Calvey, G., Chen, Y., Schmidt, A., Szczepek, M., Frielingsdorf, S., Lenz, O., Snell, E., Robinson, P.J., Šarler, B., Belšak, G., Maček, M., Wilde, F., Aquila, A., Boutet, S., Liang, M., Hunter, M.S., Scheerer, P., Lipscomb, J.D., Weierstall, U., Kornberg, R.D., Spence, J.C., Pollack, L., Chapman, H.N., and Bajt, S. (2017). Double-flow focused liquid injector for efficient serial femtosecond crystallography. Sci Rep 7, 44628.
Rossini, E., and Knapp, E. W. (2017). Protonation equilibria of transition metal complexes: from model systems toward the Mn complex in photosystem II. Coord. Chem. Rev. 345, 16-30.
Schuth, N., Liang, Z., Schonborn, M., Kussicke, A., Assuncao, R., Zaharieva, I., Zilliges, Y., and Dau, H. (2017). Inhibitory and Non-Inhibitory NH3 Binding at the Water-Oxidizing Manganese Complex of Photosystem II Suggests Possible Sites and a Rearrangement Mode of Substrate Water Molecules. Biochemistry 56, 6240-6256.
Sezer, M., Woelke, A.-L., Knapp, E.W., Schlesinger, R., Mroginski, M.A., and Weidinger, I.M. (2017). Redox induced protonation of heme propionates in cytochrome c oxidase: Insights from surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy and QM/MM calculations. Biochim Biophys Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1858, 103-108.
Stensitzki, T., Yang, Y., Wölke, A.L., Knapp, E.-W., Hughes, J., Mroginski, M. A., and Heyne, K. (2017). Influence of Heterogeneity on the Ultrafast Photoisomerization Dynamics of Pfr in Cph1 Phytochrome. Photochem Photobiol 93, 703-712.
Takiden, A., Velazquez-Escobar, F., Dragelj, J., Woelke, A.L., Knapp E.-W., Piwowarski, P., Bartl, F., Hildebrandt, P., and Mroginski, M.A. (2017). Structural and Vibrational Characterization of the Chromophore Binding Site of Bacterial Phytochrome Agp1. Photochem Photobiol 93, 713-723.
Velázquez Escobar, F., Buhrke, D., Fernandez Lopez, M., Shenkutie, S.M., von Horsten., S, Essen, L.O., Hughes, J., and Hildebrandt, P. (2017). Structural communication between the chromophore-binding pocket and the N-terminal extension in plant phytochrome phyB. FEBS Lett 591, 1258-1265.
Velázquez Escobar, F., Buhrke, D., Michael, N., Sauthof, L., Wilkening, S., Tavraz, N.N., Salewski, J., Frankenberg-Dinkel, N., Mroginski, M.A., Scheerer, P., Friedrich, T., Siebert, F., and Hildebrandt, P. (2017). Common Structural Elements in the Chromophore Binding Pocket of the Pfr State of Bathy Phytochromes. Photochem Photobiol 93, 724-732.
Velazquez Escobar, F., Lang, C., Takiden, A., Schneider, C., Balke, J., Hughes, J., Alexiev, U., Hildebrandt, P., and Mroginski, M.A. (2017). Protonation-Dependent Structural Heterogeneity in the Chromophore Binding Site of Cyanobacterial Phytochrome Cph1. J Phys Chem B 121, 47-57.
Wietek, J., Rodriguez-Rozada, S., Tutas, J., Tenedini, F., Grimm, C., Oertner, T. G., Soba, P., Hegemann, P., and Wiegert, J. S. (2017). Anion-conducting channelrhodopsins with tuned spectra and modified kinetics engineered for optogenetic manipulation of behavior. Sci. Rep. 7, 14957.
Zhang, M., Bommer, M., Chatterjee, R., Hussein, R., Yano, J., Dau, H., Kern, J., Dobbek, H., and Zouni, A. (2017). Structural insights into the light-driven auto-assembly process of the water-oxidizing Mn4CaO5-cluster in photosystem II. eLife 6, DOI:10.7554/eLife.26933.