Cover page of BBA Bioenergetics (May 2014) including review articles by Alexiev, Bondar, Heberle, Hegemann, and colleagues
Alexiev, U., and Farrens, D.L. (2014). Fluorescence spectroscopy of rhodopsins: Insights and approaches. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1837, 694-709.
AzimiHashemi, N., Erbguth, K., Vogt, A., Riemensperger, T., Rauch, E., Woodmansee, D., Nagpal, J., Brauner, M., Sheves, M., Fiala, A., Kattner, L., Trauner, D., Hegemann, P., Gottschalk, A., and Liewald, J.F. (2014). Synthetic retinal analogues modify the spectral and kinetic characteristics of microbial rhodopsin optogenetic tools. Nature Communications 5, 5810.
Bommer, M., Kunze, C., Fesseler, J., Schubert, T., Diekert, G., and Dobbek, H. (2014). Structural basis for organohalide respiration. Science 346, 455-458.
Brecht, M., Skandary, S., Hellmich, J., Gloeckner, C., Konrad, A., Hussels, M., Meixner, A.J., Zouni, A., and Schlodder, E. (2014). Spectroscopic properties of photosystem II core complexes from Thermosynechococcus elongatus revealed by single-molecule experiments. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1837, 773-781.
del Val, C., Bondar, L., and Bondar, A.-N. (2014). Coupling between inter-helical hydrogen bonding and water dynamics in a proton transporter. Journal of Structural Biology 186, 95-111.
del Val, C., Royuela-Flor, J., Milenkovic, S., and Bondar, A.-N. (2014). Channelrhodopsins: A bioinformatics perspective. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1837, 643-655.
Ernst, O.P., Lodowski, D.T., Elstner, M., Hegemann, P., Brown, L.S., and Kandori, H. (2014). Microbial and Animal Rhodopsins: Structures, Functions, and Molecular Mechanisms. Chemical Reviews 114, 126-163.
Escobar, F.V., Hildebrandt, T., Utesch, T., Schmitt, F.J., Seuffert, I., Michael, N., Schulz, C., Mroginski, M.A., Friedrich, T., and Hildebrandt, P. (2014). Structural Parameters Controlling the Fluorescence Properties of Phytochromes. Biochemistry 53, 20-29.
Gekle, S., and Netz, R.R. (2014). Nanometer-Resolved Radio-Frequency Absorption and Heating in Biomembrane Hydration Layers. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118, 4963-4969.
Heberle, J., Deupi, X., and Schertler, G. (2014). Retinal proteins — You can teach an old dog new tricks. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1837, 531-532.
Hellmich, J., Bommer, M., Burkhardt, A., Ibrahim, M., Kern, J., Meents, A., Müh, F., Dobbek, H., and Zouni, A. (2014). Native-like Photosystem II Superstructure at 2.44 Å Resolution through Detergent Extraction from the Protein Crystal. Structure 22, 1607-1615. [Link to news section.]
Karge, O., Bondar, A.-N., and Dau, H. (2014). Cationic screening of charged surface groups (carboxylates) affects electron transfer steps in photosystem-II water oxidation and quinone reduction. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1837, 1625-1634.
Kern, J., Tran, R., Alonso-Mori, R., Koroidov, S., Echols, N., Hattne, J., Ibrahim, M., Gul, S., Laksmono, H., Sierra, R.G., et al. (2014). Taking snapshots of photosynthetic water oxidation using femtosecond X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy. Nature Communications 5, 4371.
Lórenz-Fonfría, V.A., and Heberle, J. (2014). Channelrhodopsin unchained: Structure and mechanism of a light-gated cation channel. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1837, 626-642.
Lórenz-Fonfría, V.A., and Heberle, J. (2014). Proton Transfer and Protein Conformation Dynamics in Photosensitive Proteins by Time-resolved Step-scan Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of Visualized Experiments 88, e51622. [Link to news section.]
Lórenz-Fonfría, V.A., Muders, V., Schlesinger, R., and Heberle, J. (2014). Changes in the hydrogen-bonding strength of internal water molecules and cysteine residues in the conductive state of channelrhodopsin-1. The Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 22D507.
Meyer, T., and Knapp, E.-W. (2014). Database of protein complexes with multivalent binding ability: Bival-bind. Proteins 82, 744-751.
Muders, V., Kerruth, S., Lorenz-Fonfria, V.A., Bamann, C., Heberle, J., and Schlesinger, R. (2014). Resonance Raman and FTIR spectroscopic characterization of the closed and open states of channelrhodopsin-1. FEBS Letters 588, 2301-2306.
Rinne, K.F., Gekle, S., and Netz, R.R. (2014). Dissecting ion-specific dielectric spectra of sodium-halide solutions into solvation water and ionic contributions. Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 214502.
Rinne, K.F., Gekle, S., and Netz, R.R. (2014). Ion-Specific Solvation Water Dynamics: Single Water versus Collective Water Effects. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118, 11667-11677.
Robertazzi, A., Galstyan, A., and Knapp, E.W. (2014). PSII manganese cluster: Protonation of W2, 05, 04 and His337 in the Si state explored by combined quantum chemical and electrostatic energy computations. Biochim Biophys Acta 1837, 1316-1321.
Robertazzi, A., Galstyan, A., and Knapp, E.W. (2014). Reprint of PSII Manganese Cluster: Protonation of W2, O5, O4 and His337 in the S1 state explored by combined quantum chemical and electrostatic energy computations. Biochim Biophys Acta 1837, 1389-1394.
Sakalli, I., Schoberl, J., and Knapp, E.W. (2014). mFES: A Robust Molecular Finite Element Solver for Electrostatic Energy Computations. J Chem Theory Comput 10, 5095-5112.
Sedlmeier, F., Shadkhoo, S., Bruinsma, R., and Netz, R.R. (2014). Charge/mass dynamic structure factors of water and applications to dielectric friction and electroacoustic conversion. Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 054512.
Sugihara, M., Suwa, M., and Bondar, A.-N. (2014). Dynamics of bovine opsin bound to G-protein fragments. J Struct Biol 188, 79-86
Tran, R., Kern, J., Hattne, J., Koroidov, S., Hellmich, J., Alonso-Mori, R., Sauter, N.K., Bergmann, U., Messinger, J., Zouni, A., et al. (2014). The Mn4Ca photosynthetic water-oxidation catalyst studied by simultaneous X-ray spectroscopy and crystallography using an X-ray free-electron laser. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 369, 20130324.
Wietek, J., Wiegert, J.S., Adeishvili, N., Schneider, F., Watanabe, H., Tsunoda, S.P., Vogt, A., Elstner, M., Oertner, T.G., and Hegemann, P. (2014). Conversion of channelrhodopsin into a light-gated chloride channel. Science 344, 409-412. [Link to news section.]
Woelke, A.L., Galstyan, G., and Knapp, E.-W. (2014). Lysine 362 in cytochrome c oxidase regulates opening of the K-channel via changes in pK(A) and conformation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1837, 1998-2003.
Woelke, A.L., Wagner, A., Galstyan, G., Meyer, T., and Knapp, E.-W. (2014). Proton Transfer in the K-Channel Analog of B-Type Cytochrome c Oxidase from Thermus thermophilus. Biophysical Journal 107, 2177-2184.
Yang, Y., Linke, M., von Haimberger, T., Matute, R., González, L., Schmieder, P., and Heyne, K. (2014). Active and silent chromophore isoforms for phytochrome Pr photoisomerization: An alternative evolutionary strategy to optimize photoreaction quantum yields. Structural Dynamics 1, 014701.