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SFB at the DGfB Cellular Biophysics Workshop in Berlin

News from Oct 11, 2023

Next May, SFB 1078 principal investigators Prof. Joachim Heberle (Project A1/B3 and speaker of the SFB) and Peter Hegemann (Project B2) will share their research at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik (DGfB) Section III Cellular Biophysics Workshop, which is still seeking posters and oral presentations.

DGfB Section III Cellular Biophysics Workshop

Mechanisms of Ion Transport: Basic and Applied

by Paracelsus Medizinische Universität Nürnberg, Institute of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Biophysics

When: 24-26 May 2023

Where: Bildungszentrum Clara Sahlberg Berlin

To register and submit a poster, please email patricia.romberg@pmu.ac.at.
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