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Young Investigator Award for SFB Postdoc Mohamed Ibrahim

Congratulations to Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim (SFB project A5) for receiving the Young Investigator Award for his exceptional research on Photosystem II!

News from Jun 04, 2021

Mohamed Ibrahim, a Postdoc in the SFB project A5 in the research group of Prof. Holger Dobbek (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), was awarded the precious Young Investigator Award in recognition of his outstanding research performed with the LINAC Coherent Light Source X-Ray Free-Electron Laser at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
Mohamed was one of the three finalists selected by the User Executive Committee of SSRL/LCLS to be awarded the Young Investigator Award.
He works on the mechanism of water oxidation in Photosystem II using a unique combination of X-ray Free Electron Lasers imaging and spectroscopy.

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