Federico Baserga

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Physik, Institut für experimentelle Physik
Experimentelle Molekulare Biophysik
Room 1.1.35
14195 Berlin
Hi, I´m Federico. I got interested in biophysics while writing my bachelor thesis. After obtaining a bachelor´s degree in Physics in my hometown Como, and under my supervisor´s advice, I decided to move to the FU Berlin where I studied for my Master.
Here I graduated in April 2017 with a thesis on the electrochemistry of the mitochondrial membrane protein Cytochrome c Oxidase and quickly jumped from my studies to the beginning of my PhD.
My general endeavor is still focused on resolving the molecular details of the cycle of Cytochrome c Oxidase, and I will be able to try a variety of spectroscopy techniques to investigate this elusive protein during the next years. The main project in my research is simulating its physiological reaction with oxygen in a microfluidics channel and eventually study its cycle by time-resolved QCL spectroscopy.