Funded Measures
The DFG is providing the SFB with separate funds for targeted measures to promote equal opportunities for all genders in science and academia as well as to make jobs in science and academia more family friendly.
As a reseracher of the SFB you may apply for funding of gender equality measures. Requests should be addressed to the SFB 1078 office and we'll provide a more detailed form to apply (contact).
Examples of family duties:
- Staff, e.g., student assistants that can take over routine tasks from scientists
- Equipment of a workplace at home (given that an adequate workplace is available at the reseracher's institute)
- Establishment of a parent-child room at your workplace
- Childcare and children activities during school vacation
- A mobile childcare worker or a babysitter service for childcare outside of the regular operating hours of local day-care centers and to the extent that project-related reasons prevent parents from looking after their children, or on special occasions like sickness
For emergency childcare at your institution use the links below in the link section!
With the purpose of career advancement of women in science:
- Fees for mentoring programs, soft skill seminars, management training, women conferences, etc.
- Fees for coaching
Funding conditions
The funds can only be applied to measures benefiting the researchers in the SFB. Because women are underrepresented at the management level in science and academia, career advancement measures designed to promote gender equality can only be funded if they benefit women, especially those in the early stage of their careers.
Measures for childcare must be financed through the university or a contractor of the university, i.e., direct payment to the parents are not permissible. Measures that cannot be funded with gender-equality grants of the SFB include e.g., basic childcare, participation of researchers in conferences, and invitations to visiting researchers.