SFB1078 bei der Berlin Science Week 2021
SFB1078 meets you at the Berlin Science Week
The Berlin Science Week took place from 1.-10. November 2021 at the Naturkundemusem Berlin and online. Scientists from the SFB presented their research on protonation dynamics in protein function:
5./.6.11. @ Berlin Science Week Campus Visitors could stop by our booth at the Natural History Museum to talk to the research team in person. Using five model proteins as examples, young scientists in the SFB's Research Training Group (IGK) want to understand how proton movement controls the way proteins work: in the photosystem of plants for energy production; in cytochrome c oxidase in the power plant of our cells; in channel rhodopsin for light manipulation of nerve impulses; in phytochrome, which makes plants flower; and in viroporin, which allows viruses to replicate in their host.
5.11. 14.00-14.30 @ Online In a virtual talk, Prof. Dr. Joachim Heberle, spokesperson of the SFB1078, showed how the combination of physics, chemistry, and biology helps to unravel the choreography of the “protein dance” and how this might be used for future applications.
6.11. 16.00-17.30 @ Berlin Science Week Campus & Online This hybrid event delved deep into the fascinating processes that control proteins. The doctoral students of the SFB's Integrated Research Training Group (IGK), alongside PI and spokesperson of the IGK Prof. Ulrike Alexiev, represented their model proteins and showcased selected experiments and techniques that reveal the invisible.