Winter Semester 2022/23
For this seminar, we will stream the in-presence meetings also through Webex. The links will be distributed via email.
Mon, 31 October 2022, 3pm and 5pm -- Hörsaal B, FUB, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin [abstracts] | |
Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, SE |
Photoactivation of bacterial phytochromes studied by time-resolved crystallography and spectroscopy |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA |
*Online only* Structures of bovine cytochrome c oxidase intermediates |
Mon, 28 November 2022, 3pm and 4.30pm -- Hörsaal B, FUB, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin [abstracts] | |
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Stockholm, SE |
Molecular principles of water-gated proton transfer reactions in cytochrome c oxidase |
Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Nürnberg, DE |
The voltage-gated proton channel (HV) discovers its family, and a detailed investigation of pH-dependent gating. |
Mon, 16 January 2023, 3pm and 4.30pm -- Hörsaal B, FUB, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin [abstracts] | |
Laboratoire de Bioélectrochimie et Spectroscopie, University of Strasbourg, FRA |
The reaction of membrane proteins from bacterial respiratory chains studied by IR spectroscopies and electrochemical approaches. |
MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, DE |
Microtubules’ bends, cryo-cool ribosomes, and wet proteins |
Mon, 27 February 2023, 3.15pm and 4.30pm -- SupraFAB, Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, Room 201 [abstracts] |
Institut für Analytische Chemie, Universität Leipzig, DE |
Solid-state NMR on trehalose-embedded phytochromes |
Institut für Physiologie II, Universitätsklinikum Jena, DE |
Investigating the principles of gating in the model system of minimal viral potassium channels |