SFB-Colloquia and Seminars
Winter semester 2018/19
Mon, 15 Oct 2018, 16:30 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept. FU Berlin -- [program] | |
Prof. Johannes Messinger, Uppsala Universy, Sweden |
Studying biological water oxidation by room-temperature serial crystallography |
Prof. Leonardo Guidoni, University of L'Aquila, Italy |
Ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations on water oxidation catalysis in biology and synthetic oxides |
Mon, 12 Nov 2018, 15:15 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept. FU Berlin -- [program] | |
-canceled- | |
Mon, 10 Dec 2018 15:15 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept. FU Berlin -- [program] | |
Prof. Michael Börsch, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena |
Fast subunit rotation in FoF1-ATP synthase by single-molecule FRET in an ABELtrap -canceled- |
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Towards the first atomic movie of water oxidation in Photosystem II |
Mon, 14 Jan 2019 15:15 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept. FU Berlin -- [program] | |
Prof. Jürgen Köhler, Universität Bayreuth |
Photophysics of molecular aggregates |
Dr. Samantha Hardman, University of Manchester, UK |
Protonation dynamics and protein function |
Mon, 11 Feb 2019 15:15 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept. FU Berlin -- [program] | |
Prof. Massimo Olivucci, University of Siena, Italy, and Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA |
Recent progress in automatic rhodopsin modeling and its application to the search for fluorescent rhodopsins |
Prof. Tobias Kampfrath, Fritz-Haber-Institut & FU Berlin |
Ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy: probing and controlling fundamental motions of electrons and molecules in condensed matter |