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SFB-Colloquia and Seminars

Summer semester 2014


SFB colloquia generally take place during the lecture period on every first Monday of a month.

5 May 2014, 16:15 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept., FU Berlin -- [program]
Prof. Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel,
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Biosynthesis and assembly of unusual phycobiliproteins
Prof. Peter Brzezinski,
Stockholm University, Sweden
Dynamics of proton transfer in respiratory oxidases
2 June 2014, 16:15 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept., FU Berlin -- [program]
Prof. Alfred Holzwarth,
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (CEC),
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany
Light-harvesting, antenna quenching, and ultrafast charge separation in reaction centers: A unified view
Dr. Stefan Kubick,
Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT), Potsdam, Germany
Eukaryotic Cell-free Systems: Novel Strategies for the Synthesis of Membrane Proteins [abstract]
30 June 2014, 16:15 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept., FU Berlin -- [program]
Prof. Josef Wachtveitl,
Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Photoinitiated functional dynamics of retinal proteins
Prof. Claudio M. Soares,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal 
Redox enzymes for biotechnology: modelling (and other) studies of laccases and hydrogenases [abstract]
Wednesday (!!) 1 Oct. 2014, 16:15 -- Lecture Hall, Inst. of Computer Science, FU Berlin (Takustr. 9, Berlin-Dahlem) -- [program]
Prof. Robert G. Griffin,
Massachusetts Insitute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA

Magic Angle Spinning NMR Studies of Membrane Proteins: M218-60, VDAC, and bR

Prof. Wayne L. Hubbell,
University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, USA
Revealing protein conformational substrates and dynamics with site-directed spin labeling and high pressure EPR 



Wed, 9 April 2014, 14:15 -- Fachbereichsraum (room no. 1.1.16), Physics Dept., FU Berlin

Dr. Cosmin Ionel Sicora,
Biological Research Center Jibou, Romania

Functional analysis of different psbA variants in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 

Wed, 16 April 2014, 11:15 -- Lecture Hall A, Physics Dept., FU Berlin

Prof. Elena Pohl, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria

Prof. Peter Pohl, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

New insights in transport mechanism, structure and subcellular distribution of uncoupling proteins.

Proton migration along membranes.

Mon, 16 June 2014, 16:15 -- Seminar Room no. 1.1.33, Physics Dept., FU Berlin

Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff,
University of Chicago, USA

2D IR spectroscopy of protein structure and dynamics
Thu, 10 July 2014, 10:15 -- Lecture Hall B, Physics Dept., FU Berlin

Prof. Leonid S. Brown,
University of Guelph, Canada

Microbial Rhodopsins and Aquaporin - Spectroscopic Insights into the Inner Workings of Membrane Proteins [abstract
Mon, 25 Aug. 2014, 16:15 -- Lecture Hall A, Physics Dept., FU Berlin

Prof. Sin Urban,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA

Signaling from inside the membrane: mechanism of rhomboid proteases [abstract]
Tue, 16 Sept. 2014, 17:15 -- Room PC 203, PC Building, TU Berlin (Str. des 17. Juni 135, Berlin-Charlottenburg)
Prof. Katrina Forest,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 
Structure Meets Function in a Knotted Photoreceptor